I have a problem: my bed has been taken over by the dogs. Now that the weather has taken a colder turn, the dogs tuck themselves into the warm, inviting bed long before I do. By the time I am finally ready to turn in, they have established themselves as the sole inhabitors of the queen-sized bed. And Kiste, in her sleep, becomes a 90-pound dead weight. She weighs, of course, a mere 56 pounds at the moment, but it seems to double as soon as she falls asleep. And she cannot be moved. She sticks her legs straight out and they don't bend. Her body stretches from one side of the bed to the other, and she cannot be budged. Then there's Max. He moans and snores and licks his chops in his sleep. And he also more than doubles in size and weight when in repose. Now, if I can manage to get them arranged properly, so that I can just slide in between them, we can all rest quite easily. But I find myself more often than not inhabiting about 18 inches of space way over on the edge of the bed, with only 4 of those inches being memory foam mattress topper. It is a travesty. And yet, I am so smitten with the silly creatures that I can't banish them. They are great snugglers, Kiste being the "front spoon," and Max being the inhabitor of the knee-pits. It is just nice to have someone there, even if that someone is an eight-legged, two-headed bag of lead.
The Babies in BedWhere am I supposed to fit in this picture? And please note my totally dreamy cowboy sheets.
KisteLook how she got in bed with some dinner on her nose. Cute.
MaxAw, how can I kick that face out of bed??
1 comment:
I am SO with you. I sleep on the guest bed that makes my arthritic hips hurt (I shall now resist a foray into the world of “gout, rheumatism and the regularity of my bowels”) JUST so I can cuddle with my Kitten Children (they are not allowed in my bedroom for allergy reasons, ostensibly, but the truth is it’s such a mess at the moment that it is a DANGER to them).
Fiona cuddles the best. She comes and stands next to me and just LOOKS at me with her big, gorgeous eyes until I lift up the covers. Then she cuddles into my belly. Sometimes she rests her little head on my hands, or sticks her paws into a hand so I’ll hold it. HOW CAN I RESIST THIS?????
BeBe, though I love her dearly, is a little more unpredictable. She often cuddles in the crook of my knees (cute) or at my feet, with her head resting on one of them (also cute). Occasionally she’ll arrange herself onto my side or hips or thighs or a combination thereof. This can get a LITTLE uncomfortable, but she weighs less than nine pounds, so it’s not too bad.
The annoying thing is when she WANTS LOVE AND WANTS IT NOW DAMN IT. This is something she chooses when I’m in the DEEPEST of deep sleep (which doesn’t happen all that often). She purrs very loudly. Then she gets as close to my face as possible. Sometimes I get “kisses” – which means she sticks her cold nose on your lips (still cute). But, as I have the EFFRONTERY to sleep with my hands UNDER the covers she has to vigorously dig at least one of them out (have I mentioned that I don’t believe in de-clawing cats?). Then I am supposed to pet her. And pet her. AND PET HER. And as I’ll still be half-asleep, I will usually stop. Then she sticks her head UNDER my hand until I pet her some more.
I am still a SUCKER. But you said it so aptly: “It is just nice to have someone there.” I am not dealing with “an eight-legged, two-headed bag of lead.” But I bet that your pups don’t BITE you when they’re feeling REALLY loved or a wanting to play or whatnot.
I, too, Love to Spoon,
Crazy Kate of Le Monde de Kate du Fromage
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